Let’s face it. The idea of dating again is scary! The dating rules have seriously changed since the days of land line phones and actual face-to-face conversation. With today’s social media craze, meeting someone the good ole fashion way just isn’t the same anymore. If you have been out of the dating scene for a while, chances are you may need some catching up to do.
Take these tips into consideration when jumping back on the dating train.
Get technology savvy
In today’s society, we are all about using the latest technology to communicate. Hardly anyone uses the actual phone to talk anymore. It is either through text messaging or through social networking such as Facebook. Make sure to brush up on your social networking skills so you can use these free tools as dating resources.

Don’t expect too much
Just have fun with the experience of dating again. Don’t go into the situation thinking you have to find your husband by the third date. This is your chance to start from scratch, so make every date an experience. Take the dates as “free interviews” and figure out what you like, what you want, and what you definitely don’t want in a potential spouse.
Leave your EX out of the conversation
So those were just a few tips to help jump start the process .. if you do decide to join an online dating site, check out our recent post on the do’s and don’t s of the virtual dating world.
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